Hi , I am stuck with some logic here in color code, I need to represent variance column in amber colour ,if the varience is dropped to 50%. than actual value, Now this variance column is calculated with formula (actual-cov.threshold)/actual*100 so getting value is.How would I calculate that?I have used richtextDisplayfield
a!richTextDisplayField( value: a!richTextItem( text: fv!item.varience_txt, color: if( fv!item.varience_txt < 0, "NEGATIVE", if( fv!item.varience_txt > 0, "POSITIVE", if( (fv!item.varience_txt) < (fv!item.actualThreshold_txt * 0.5), "#FFBF00", "" ) ) ) ) )
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Please don't use nested if() use a!match() instead. Nested if() are not performant.
To answer your question, what you are doing is correct. The reason why you can't see it could be that
ok thanks for your suggestion.