I am trying to show data on piechart, the field make has different data.
I want to segregate the data into let's Ford and non Ford.
How can I do that?
{ a!pieChartField( data: 'recordType!{aa4ce38f-1a9d-4827-af51-e2ccb80a2c8b}AS Vehicle', config: a!pieChartConfig( primaryGrouping: a!grouping( field: 'recordType!{aa4ce38f-1a9d-4827-af51-e2ccb80a2c8b}AS Vehicle.fields.{7aa3dcda-863a-4271-9034-85821a2bd453}make', alias: "vehicleMake_primaryGrouping" ), measures: { a!measure( function: "COUNT", field: 'recordType!{aa4ce38f-1a9d-4827-af51-e2ccb80a2c8b}AS Vehicle.fields.{595da20e-a849-4c36-a57e-d569453c622f}vehicleID', alias: "vehicleId_count_measure1" ) }, sort: { a!sortInfo( field: "vehicleId_count_measure1", ascending: false ) }, dataLimit: 100 ), label: "Vehicles by Make", labelPosition: "ABOVE", showDataLabels: true, showAsPercentage: true, colorScheme: "RAINFOREST", style: "DONUT", seriesLabelStyle: "LEGEND", height: "MEDIUM", refreshAfter: "RECORD_ACTION" ) }
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I hope you want to achieve the below requirement,
You can not achieve this with your code. You have to write something like below,
a!localVariables( local!fordCount: a!queryRecordType( recordType: 'recordType!{aa4ce38f-1a9d-4827-af51-e2ccb80a2c8b}AS Vehicle', fields: {}, filters: a!queryLogicalExpression( operator: "AND", filters: { a!queryFilter( field: 'recordType!{aa4ce38f-1a9d-4827-af51-e2ccb80a2c8b}AS Vehicle.fields.{7aa3dcda-863a-4271-9034-85821a2bd453}vehicleMake', operator: "=", value: "Ford" ) }, ignoreFiltersWithEmptyValues: true ), pagingInfo: a!pagingInfo( startIndex: 1, batchSize: 100 ), fetchTotalCount: true() ).totalCount, local!nonFordCount: a!queryRecordType( recordType: 'recordType!{aa4ce38f-1a9d-4827-af51-e2ccb80a2c8b}AS Vehicle', fields: {}, filters: a!queryLogicalExpression( operator: "AND", filters: { a!queryFilter( field: 'recordType!{aa4ce38f-1a9d-4827-af51-e2ccb80a2c8b}AS Vehicle.fields.{7aa3dcda-863a-4271-9034-85821a2bd453}vehicleMake', operator: "<>", value: "Ford" ) }, ignoreFiltersWithEmptyValues: true ), pagingInfo: a!pagingInfo( startIndex: 1, batchSize: 100 ), fetchTotalCount: true() ).totalCount, { a!pieChartField( label: "Pie Chart", labelPosition: "ABOVE", series: { a!chartSeries(label: "Ford", data: local!fordCount), a!chartSeries(label: "Non-Ford", data: local!nonFordCount) }, showDataLabels: true, allowImageDownload: true, colorScheme: "RAINFOREST", style: "DONUT", seriesLabelStyle: "ON_CHART", height: "MEDIUM" ) } )
I hope this will be helpful for you.