I want to bold text on confirmation message when i click the button.
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Create a rule with text as rule input -
a!localVariables( local!lRange: 120302 - 97, local!uRange: 120276 - 65, joinarray( char( a!forEach( items: code(ri!text), expression: a!match( value: fv!item, whenTrue: and(fv!value > 96, fv!value < 123, ), then: fv!value + local!lRange, whenTrue: and(fv!value > 64, fv!value < 91, ), then: fv!value + local!uRange, default: fv!value ) ) ), "" ) )
Now call this from your interface -
{ a!buttonArrayLayout( buttons: { a!buttonWidget( label: "Button", style: "OUTLINE", confirmMessage: rule!MGS_bolding(text: "hello") ) }, align: "START", marginBelow: "NONE" ) }
amiteshsin thankyou it's working fine. Can we apply colors on the text on this code ??