a!localVariables( { a!gridField( labelPosition: "ABOVE", data: todatasubset(ri!cmuFinCov_ds.data, fv!pagingInfo), columns: { a!gridColumn( label: "CIF", value: if( ri!isSelectionEnabled_bool, a!richTextDisplayField( value: a!richTextItem( text: index(fv!row, "cif_int", {}), link: a!dynamicLink( value: index(fv!row, "cif_int", {}), saveInto: { ri!selectedCif_int, a!save(ri!buttonAction_txt, null), a!save( ri!selectedRequestId_int, fv!row.requestId_int ), a!save( ri!selectedcmuFinCov_cdt, index( ri!cmuFinCov_ds.data, wherecontains( fv!row.cif_int, tointeger(ri!cmuFinCov_ds.data.cif_int) ), null ) ) } ), linkStyle: "STANDALONE" ) ), index(fv!row, "cif_int", {}) ), align: "START" ), a!gridColumn( label: "CIF name", value: index(fv!row, "customerName_txt", {}) ), a!gridColumn( label: "Covenant Name", value: index(fv!row, "finCovDisplayName_txt", {}) ), a!gridColumn( label: "Covenant Wordings", value: if( rule!APN_isBlank( index(fv!row, "covenantWording_txt", {}), ), {}, a!richTextDisplayField( value: a!richTextBulletedList( items: trim( split( index(fv!row, "covenantWording_txt", {}), "$###$" ) ) ) ) ) ), a!gridColumn( label: cons!CR_APP_TXT_FINANCIAL_COVENANTS_GRID_FIELDS[4], value: index(fv!row, "proposedThreshold_txt", {}) ), a!gridColumn( label: cons!CR_APP_TXT_FINANCIAL_COVENANTS_GRID_FIELDS[3], value: index(fv!row, "existingThreshold_txt", {}) ), a!gridColumn( label: cons!CR_APP_TXT_FINANCIAL_COVENANTS_GRID_FIELDS[5], value: index(fv!row, "actualThreshold_txt", {}) ), a!gridColumn( label: cons!CR_APP_TXT_FINANCIAL_COVENANTS_GRID_FIELDS[6], value: index(fv!row, "covenentThreshold_txt", {}) ), a!gridColumn( label: cons!CR_APP_TXT_FINANCIAL_COVENANTS_GRID_FIELDS[7], value: index(fv!row, "varience_txt", {}) ), a!gridColumn( label: cons!CR_APP_TXT_FINANCIAL_COVENANTS_GRID_FIELDS[8], value: index(fv!row, "financialDate_dt", {}) ), a!gridColumn( label: cons!CR_APP_TXT_FINANCIAL_COVENANTS_GRID_FIELDS[16], value: cons!CR_APP_TXT_CHOICE_LABELS_COMPLAINT_BREACH[2] ) }, pagingSaveInto: { ri!pagingInfo, a!save(ri!selectedCif_int, null) } ) } )
Hi All, I have this above grid ,need to show as selectable grid where covenant wordings to be shown on selection of each row covenant name, cif ,cif name, proposed, existing, actual, covenant threshold, variance, fin_date, complaint as a side by side .how to do this?
Thanks in advance.
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sid said:how to do this?
What exactly are you struggling with?