Modify the placeholder of a dateField

We have a requirement to modify the placeholder of a dateField component. However, we have not been able to modify it as the placeholder parameter of that component is not modifiable.
Does anyone know of a way, another component or plugin that does the functionality of the dateField and the placeholder can be modified?
This alternative must have the behavior similar to the dateField, that is to say, that when clicking on it opens a calendar where the user can choose the date.

Thank you very much.

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  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    in reply to Sandra
    a textbox and a calendar icon

    Perhaps - FYI, it would require a lot of manual work and a lot of context-sensitive parsing of anything the user hand-enters.

  • 0
    Certified Senior Developer
    in reply to Sandra

    I guess its doable. but would require a lot of code and time as Mike has mentioned. Is it worth the struggle?

    If yes, a brief description on how it can be done

    Initial Screen with a a!sideBySideLayout() having a text field that is disabled and no label in the item and a button widget with only icon in one item which would save true or false which will be used for show when condition.

    You need to create a selectable calendar component/interface which you would call iin a columnsLayout() which will be on a showWhen condition using the local!variable that contains the save done by the button widget earlier. 

    One column would contain the calendar and other column would contain a buttonArrayLayout(), the same button widget that is used above.

    Coming up with interactive calendar interface would be a the most time consuming and difficult part.