CastInvalid error when using Encrypted Text Field

I am using the Encrypted Text field to store a user's Social Security or National ID Number.  When I enter data into the field, I get the following error message.

Expression evaluation error [evaluation ID = 82d04:b4023] in rule 'pmso_createorupdatespeakerpersonalinfo' at function a!encryptedTextField [line 82]: An error occurred while executing a save: Could not cast from Encrypted Text to Text. Details: CastInvalid.

The SSN is stored as a text field in the Record Type PMSO Speaker.  The record is stored as a Local Variable until committed to save by the user. 

Here is the code for the field

            item: a!encryptedTextField(
              label: if(
                "Social Security Number",
                "National Id Number"
              labelPosition: "ABOVE",
                "-- Please enter your Social Security Number --",
                "-- Please enter your National Id Number --"
              masked: true(),
              value: local!speakerRecord['recordType!PMSO Speaker.fields.speakerSSN'],
              saveInto: local!speakerRecord['recordType!PMSO Speaker.fields.speakerSSN'],
              refreshAfter: "UNFOCUS"

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