CastInvalid error when using Encrypted Text Field

I am using the Encrypted Text field to store a user's Social Security or National ID Number.  When I enter data into the field, I get the following error message.

Expression evaluation error [evaluation ID = 82d04:b4023] in rule 'pmso_createorupdatespeakerpersonalinfo' at function a!encryptedTextField [line 82]: An error occurred while executing a save: Could not cast from Encrypted Text to Text. Details: CastInvalid.

The SSN is stored as a text field in the Record Type PMSO Speaker.  The record is stored as a Local Variable until committed to save by the user. 

Here is the code for the field

            item: a!encryptedTextField(
              label: if(
                "Social Security Number",
                "National Id Number"
              labelPosition: "ABOVE",
                "-- Please enter your Social Security Number --",
                "-- Please enter your National Id Number --"
              masked: true(),
              value: local!speakerRecord['recordType!PMSO Speaker.fields.speakerSSN'],
              saveInto: local!speakerRecord['recordType!PMSO Speaker.fields.speakerSSN'],
              refreshAfter: "UNFOCUS"

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  • Thanks for answering my post.

    I created a CDT just to the personal information that I want encrypted.  For each of the encrypted fields, they are set to Encrypted Text.

    I rewrote my interface to use the new CDT and used the Encrypted Text field.  Now I receive the following error message when I type in something to my fields.

    Expression evaluation error [evaluation ID = 37dd5:9dfec] in rule 'pmso_createorupdatespeakerpersonalinfo' at function a!encryptedTextField [line 51]: An error occurred while executing a save: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Invalid index: Cannot index property 'speakerCitizenshipCountry' into type List of Null

    Here is the code for the encryptedTextField.  All of my fields are set the same and give the same error message.

                item: a!encryptedTextField(
                  label: "Country of Citizenship",
                  labelPosition: "ABOVE",
                  placeholder: "-- Please enter your country of citizenship --",
                  value: local!speakerPrivateInformation.speakerCitizenshipCountry,
                  saveInto: local!speakerPrivateInformation.speakerCitizenshipCountry

  • Thanks for answering my post.

    I created a CDT just to the personal information that I want encrypted.  For each of the encrypted fields, they are set to Encrypted Text.

    I rewrote my interface to use the new CDT and used the Encrypted Text field.  Now I receive the following error message when I type in something to my fields.

    Expression evaluation error [evaluation ID = 37dd5:9dfec] in rule 'pmso_createorupdatespeakerpersonalinfo' at function a!encryptedTextField [line 51]: An error occurred while executing a save: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Invalid index: Cannot index property 'speakerCitizenshipCountry' into type List of Null

    Here is the code for the encryptedTextField.  All of my fields are set the same and give the same error message.

                item: a!encryptedTextField(
                  label: "Country of Citizenship",
                  labelPosition: "ABOVE",
                  placeholder: "-- Please enter your country of citizenship --",
                  value: local!speakerPrivateInformation.speakerCitizenshipCountry,
                  saveInto: local!speakerPrivateInformation.speakerCitizenshipCountry
