Appian Upgrade leads to change in DOM elements and xpaths

Due to the Appian upgrade there is a significant impact in DOM element of the webpages, most of the web elements and structure of the elements (of webpages) got changed. Due to which our selenium script is unable to locate the elements in a page anymore.Hence Automation Scripts are not working.

Earlier we tried using Unique ID as a Identifier to locate elements  but due to restrictions from appian product we have to use xpath to identify element on UI.  After Appian upgrade,  plugins related to Appian also got updated and due to which Xpaths we have used in older versions are not working in new appian version. As Selenium is dependent on DOM elements for automation , hence its creating a huge impact.

In order to make our script work, a significant amount of efforts are required. So How to minimize the effort and ensure that for Future appian upgrades our automation scripts doesnt fails?

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