Expression Error when removing a document from the file upload component.

I have a form that is used to upload documents.  The form works as intended except when removing a document the user just uploads.  Typically, a user can hover over the document icon and it will turn into a "X".  The user can click on that and remove the document so that another document can be uploaded in its place.  When the user does this, the following error is thrown.

Expression evaluation error at function a!fileUploadField: An error occurred while executing a save: java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: Invalid index (1) for list: valid range is empty.

The code for the fileuploadfield is:

              label: "File Upload",
              labelPosition: "ABOVE",
              instructions: "Use this to upload speaker documents.",
              target: tofolder(ri!speakerRecord['recordType!PMSO Speaker.fields.speakerFolderId']),
              maxSelections: 1,
              value: local!file,
              saveInto: {
                a!save(local!spkrDocRecord['recordType!PMSO Speaker Document.fields.speakerDocumentNo'], local!file[1])
              showWhen: a!isNotNullOrEmpty(local!spkrDocRecord['recordType!PMSO Speaker Document.fields.speakerDocumentTypeId']),
              validations: {}

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