Cant get document related rule input out of interface

Certified Senior Developer

I have a PM with a non start form interface in it that can acquire a list of documents from the user before going on to the next node of the pm.

All the inputs are set up correctly (saveinto and the form has its inputs set up),  I have confirmed that the value is saving into ri!documents when testing the interface.  

However when it gets to the PM after submitting the user input task, documents is nowhere to be seen.

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  • As long as the rule input for the interface matches "ri!documentsId", the naming of the 'value' and 'saveInto' in the node configuration here does not need to match, 'documentsIds' can be used there. But you do mention "ri!documents" in the write-up for the saveInto, just to confirm that should be "ri!documentsId".

    Are the users uploading document objects and we are relying on Appian to convert them to their number ID automatically, or are you performing a conversion separately? (and is there a case to use a Number List type here instead of Document List type?)

    Ensure nothing in the Outputs tab is also attempting to save into pv!documentsIds and overwrite it?

    Is there any system processing (script tasks, etc) between submission and PM that might be clearing the value prior to you viewing it in the process instance?

    Also did we confirm in /monitor mode that the pv!documentsIds value is blank after submission, vs populated in the process but blank only on the PM interface view?

    Also if these are stored as a List of Number, and the PM form input is List of Document, something like that can create a conflict as well.

  • As long as the rule input for the interface matches "ri!documentsId", the naming of the 'value' and 'saveInto' in the node configuration here does not need to match, 'documentsIds' can be used there. But you do mention "ri!documents" in the write-up for the saveInto, just to confirm that should be "ri!documentsId".

    Are the users uploading document objects and we are relying on Appian to convert them to their number ID automatically, or are you performing a conversion separately? (and is there a case to use a Number List type here instead of Document List type?)

    Ensure nothing in the Outputs tab is also attempting to save into pv!documentsIds and overwrite it?

    Is there any system processing (script tasks, etc) between submission and PM that might be clearing the value prior to you viewing it in the process instance?

    Also did we confirm in /monitor mode that the pv!documentsIds value is blank after submission, vs populated in the process but blank only on the PM interface view?

    Also if these are stored as a List of Number, and the PM form input is List of Document, something like that can create a conflict as well.
