Interface Buttons

I want to create 4 buttons in interface which initially have no colors but when we click on them it turns to blue color( need the code using for loop)

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  • +1
    Certified Senior Developer

    What is your requirement? Where are these buttons going to be used? 

    Below is a sample how you could manipulate the style of the button or or you can use the similar logic at the color parameter.

        buttons: a!forEach(
          items: local!values,
          expression: a!buttonWidget(
            label: concat("button"," ",fv!item),
            value: fv!item,
            saveInto: local!selection,
            style: if(

    your value that is being saved would evaluate the color. here I have written in a!forEach() for understanding. But if you share us the details on where and what an accurate solution can be provided.

  • Thank you for the code.
    Actually I was doing some mistake in logic but now it worked.

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