In my gridColum, I am displaying an email link, with an envelope-o icon.
However, if the value of the field is empty or null, it's still displaying the icon.
How do I add the if logic to this code to not display the icon if the value of the field is empty or null? I've edited the code below to shorten the field recordtype! info.
a!richTextDisplayField( value: { a!richTextItem( text: { a!richTextIcon( icon: "envelope-o" ), a!localVariables( local!fullString: fv!row['recordType!technicalPointOfContact'], extract( "--beginning--" & " " & local!fullString, "g--", " <" ) ) }, link: a!safeLink( uri: "mailto://" & extract(fv!row['recordType!technicalPointOfContact'], "<",">") ) ) } )
In addition the following code is throwing "Invalid Syntax errors"
link: a!safeLink( uri: "mailto://" & extract(fv!row['recordType!technicalPointOfContact'], "<",">") ), linkStyle: "STANDALONE" <--- invalid syntax??? )
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You really, really, really ought to consider moving this parser to its own expression rule. Trying to have this code hard-coded into a grid like this just makes stuff un-readable, and then of course when you get little errors like this it's also very hard to test.
Here's an expression rule I just whipped up that will extract the name and email, presuming the formatting is exactly on-spec and no funny business has happened with special characters. Note that extract() returns an array, so we have to take care to cast that as a singular result (my favorite way is just to take the first index() of the result).
a!localVariables( local!name: index(extract( "--beginning--" & ri!emailString, "ng--", " <" ), 1, null()), local!email: index(extract( ri!emailString, "<", ">" ), 1, null()), a!map( name: local!name, email: local!email ) )
Great advice. I will create the rule and call it instead. I agree, I don't like all this business happening at the rendering level.
Given that, you would re-write your original column value to something more like this, assuming we call the above expression rule "rule!GLBL_parseEmail()" for example:
a!richTextDisplayField( value: a!localVariables( local!emailMap: rule!GLBL_parseEmail(emailString: fv!row['recordType!POC etc']), { a!richTextItem( showWhen: a!isNotNullOrEmpty(local!, text: { a!richTextIcon( icon: "envelope-o" ), local! }, link: a!safeLink( uri: "mailto://" & local! ), linkStyle: "STANDALONE" ), a!richTextItem( showWhen: a!isNullOrEmpty(local!, text: "(none)", size: "SMALL", style: "EMPHASIS", color: "SECONDARY" ) } ) )
cool - appreciate any "verify answer"s you are available to dish out too, lol. also make sure you don't miss my last reply in the thread above, i gave you a final implementation to try out in your case (plus or minus adjusting certain names etc).
Thank you for your assistance! I'm still a N00b at writing expressions, but I'm learning the ways of SAIL.
Scott Fleming said:I'm still a N00b at writing expressions, but I'm learning the ways of SAIL.
been there - it's rewarding once you can get your head around the seemingly weird structure required.