How to display risk on a spectrum low to high?

I'm looking for a component that can help me display a result on a "spectrum" of risk from low to high.

For example, the risk spectrum is 0-100 where 0-33 = LOW, 34-66 MODERATE, and 67-100 HIGH

If the underlying data results in 45, I want to be able to display that on a dashboard that indicates that that is a MODERATE result - would love for it to be displayed/overlaid atop the spectrum for context but can't seem to find a good, common, pattern for this.


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    Certified Senior Developer
    in reply to BenMc

    Something like this with richTextDisplayField works? If so below is something that might help. You can try to write in a more efficient way.

      local!value: 77 / 10,
      local!items: (enumerate(10) + 1),
          marginBelow: "NONE",
          align: "CENTER",
          value: a!forEach(
            items: local!items,
            expression: {
                icon: if(
                  fv!index <= local!value,
                    (fv!index - 0.5) <= local!value,
                size: "LARGE",
                caption: fv!item * 10,
                color: if(
                  fv!item <= 3,
                    and(fv!item > 3, fv!item <= 6),
          marginAbove: "NONE",
          align: "CENTER",
          value: a!richTextItem(
            text: local!value * 10,
            size: "LARGE",
            style: "STRONG",
            color: "SECONDARY"

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