Hi everyone,
Below is my code:
Child interface grid column within gridField():
a!gridColumn( label: "", align: "CENTER", value: a!localVariables( local!showLinkClosedCase: contains( ri!chosenCloseCase, fv!row['recordType!A.fields.{caseId}caseId'] ), a!richTextDisplayField( value: a!richTextIcon( caption: "Close Case", icon: "calendar-check", link: a!submitLink( showWhen: not(local!showLinkClosedCase), saveInto: { a!localVariables( local!case: rule!QRY_getCase( id: fv!row['recordType!A.fields.{caseId}caseId'] ), if( or( a!isNullOrEmpty(local!case), contains( { cons!CASE_STATUS_CLOSED, cons!CASE_STATUS_CANCELLED, cons!CASE_STATUS_DELETED }, local!case.caseStatusId ) ), {}, a!startProcess( processModel: cons!COMPLETE_CASE, processParameters: { case: local!case, finalAction: 'type!{urn:com:appian:types:AAA}AAAStepAction'( id: null, name: "Complete", nextStepFlowGUID: null, stepId: null, positiveAction: true ), user: "me" }, onSuccess: { a!save( ri!chosenCloseCase, append( ri!chosenCloseCase, fv!row['recordType!A.fields.{caseId}caseId'] ) ), a!save(ri!refreshCounter, ri!refreshCounter + 1) } ) ) ) } ) ) ) ) ),
Parent interface is calling this child interface, passing all needed rule inputs and this parent interface is used in 2 places: a site and a process model as user input task.
For some reason when I click the icon from parent interface, the icon is not actually being interacted (I already tested - the icon was not disabled once being clicked), but when I do it from the child interface level, the icon is being clicked (it was disabled).
Any one has this issue before?
Thank you!
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I tested adding another layer of interface between the 2 above (Parent calls this, this calls child interface), and confirm that I also can click the icon from this added interface, but still not from the parent interface...