hi I am trying to implement an editable grid , which should have collapsible rows
I am trying to avoid nested loops and wanted a check box option for all the rows . Any coding examples will help. Thank you
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Need more details on your data structure. What variables the data should flow in on clicking the check boxes and also do you want it to be multiple selection. more details please.
the editable grid is connected to the record type, i wanted to save the entire row upon selection to commit back to the backend, yes, I want multiple selection. I dont want selection on the row that has heading but only the sub items.
I am trying to implement the same thing mentioned here https://docs.appian.com/suite/help/24.2/recipe-expand-collapse-rows-in-a-tree-grid.html but i wanted to add selection checkboxes for the sub items only.
Please take a look at the code below. I have made minor changes and also update local!selectedvalues using the variable where you want to save the values. Please make sure you save only the primary keys of the child data to avoid any duplicates and issues in the code.
a!localVariables( local!prs: { a!map(id: 1, summary: "PR1"), a!map(id: 2, summary: "PR2"), a!map(id: 3, summary: "PR3"), }, local!items: { a!map( id: 1, summary: "item 1", qty: "2", unitPrice: "100", purchaseRequestid: 1 ), a!map( id: 2, summary: "item 4", qty: "3", unitPrice: "200", purchaseRequestid: 1 ), a!map( id: 3, summary: "item 7", qty: "2", unitPrice: "250", purchaseRequestid: 3 ), a!map( id: 4, summary: "item 11", qty: "2", unitPrice: "30", purchaseRequestid: 2 ), a!map( id: 5, summary: "item 31", qty: "6", unitPrice: "220", purchaseRequestid: 2 ) }, local!selectedValues, a!gridLayout( headerCells: { a!gridLayoutHeaderCell(label: ""), a!gridLayoutHeaderCell(label: "Summary"), a!gridLayoutHeaderCell(label: "Qty", align: "RIGHT"), a!gridLayoutHeaderCell(label: "Unit Price", align: "RIGHT"), a!gridLayoutHeaderCell(label: "Total Price", align: "RIGHT") }, columnConfigs: { a!gridLayoutColumnConfig(width: "ICON"), a!gridLayoutColumnConfig(width: "DISTRIBUTE", weight: 4), a!gridLayoutColumnConfig(width: "DISTRIBUTE"), a!gridLayoutColumnConfig(width: "DISTRIBUTE", weight: 2), a!gridLayoutColumnConfig(width: "DISTRIBUTE", weight: 2) }, rowHeader: 1, rows: a!forEach( items: local!prs, expression: a!localVariables( local!expanded: false, local!itemsForPr: index( local!items, /* Must cast to integer because a!queryEntity() returns a dictionary */ wherecontains( tointeger(fv!item.id), local!items.purchaseRequestid ), {} ), local!totalPrice: sum( a!forEach( items: local!itemsForPr, expression: tointeger(fv!item.qty) * todecimal(fv!item.unitPrice) ) ), { a!gridRowLayout( contents: { a!textField(value: null, readOnly: true), a!richTextDisplayField( label: "Summary " & fv!index, value: { if( length(local!itemsForPr) = 0, fv!item.summary, a!richTextItem( text: if(local!expanded, "-", "+") & " " & fv!item.summary, link: a!dynamicLink( value: not(local!expanded), saveInto: local!expanded ) ) ) } ), a!textField(label: "Qty " & fv!index, readOnly: true), a!textField( label: "Unit Price " & fv!index, readOnly: true ), a!textField( label: "Total Price " & fv!index, value: a!currency(isoCode: "USD", value: local!totalPrice), readOnly: true, align: "RIGHT" ) } ), if( local!expanded, a!forEach( items: local!itemsForPr, expression: a!gridRowLayout( contents: { a!richTextDisplayField( value: a!richTextIcon( icon: if( contains( tointeger(local!selectedValues), fv!item.id ), "check-square", "square-o" ), link: a!dynamicLink( value: fv!item.id, saveInto: if( contains( tointeger(local!selectedValues), fv!item.id ), a!save( local!selectedValues, remove( local!selectedValues, wherecontains(fv!item.id,local!selectedValues) ) ), a!save( local!selectedValues, append(local!selectedValues, fv!item.id) ) ) ), linkStyle: "STANDALONE" ) ), a!richTextDisplayField( label: "Item Summary " & fv!index, value: a!richTextBulletedList(items: fv!item.summary) ), a!integerField( label: "Item Qty " & fv!index, value: fv!item.qty, readOnly: true, align: "RIGHT" ), a!textField( label: "Item Unit Price " & fv!index, value: a!currency(isoCode: "USD", value: fv!item.unitPrice), readOnly: true, align: "RIGHT" ), a!textField( label: "Item Total Price " & fv!index, value: a!currency( isoCode: "USD", value: tointeger(fv!item.qty) * todecimal(fv!item.unitPrice) ), readOnly: true, align: "RIGHT" ) } ) ), {} ) } ) ) ) )
hi kowsalyavijayan (kowsalyav7826) I still need to know your requirements, may I know why are you trying to show data grid-tree format?
thanks . this is what I was expecting
Konduru Chaitanya , is there a way to reset the check boxes , upon button click , I have a requirement like, after selecting rows, I will update that in my data base, I wanted to refresh the grid upon button click which should also reset the check boxes.
You can simply use a button placed over the grid to achieve that. In the buttonWidget use a!save(local!selectedValues,null)
How to page this grid?
Paging Control
a!richTextDisplayField( labelPosition: "COLLAPSED", value: { a!richTextIcon( icon: "angle-left-bold", link: a!dynamicLink( saveInto: { a!save( local!paging.startIndex, local!paging.startIndex - local!paging.batchSize ) } ), linkstyle: "STANDALONE", showWhen:local!paging.startIndex > local!paging.batchSize, color: if( local!paging.startIndex > local!paging.batchSize, "ACCENT", "SECONDARY" ), size: "MEDIUM" ), a!richTextItem( text: concat( " ", local!paging.startIndex, " to ", if( (local!paging.startIndex + local!paging.batchSize) - 1 >length(local!data), concat(length(local!items), " "), concat((local!paging.startIndex + local!paging.batchSize) - 1, " ") ) ), style: { "STRONG" } ), a!richTextItem( text: concat("of ", length(local!data), " "), color: "SECONDARY", style: {} ), a!richTextIcon( icon: "angle-right-bold", link: a!dynamicLink( saveInto: { a!save( local!paging.startIndex, local!paging.startIndex + local!paging.batchSize ) } ), linkstyle: "STANDALONE", showwhen: (local!paging.startIndex + local!paging.batchSize) - 1 < length(local!data), color: "ACCENT", size: "MEDIUM" ) }, showWhen: length(local!data) > 0, align: "CENTER" )
Local Variables
local!data:{ a!map(id: 1, summary: "PR1"), a!map(id: 2, summary: "PR2"), a!map(id: 3, summary: "PR3"), a!map(id: 4, summary: "PR4"), a!map(id: 5, summary: "PR5"), a!map(id: 6, summary: "PR6"), }, local!paging:a!map(startIndex:1,batchSize:3), local!prs: { todatasubset( arrayToPage:local!data, pagingConfiguration: a!pagingInfo( startIndex: local!paging.startIndex, batchSize: local!paging.batchSize, sort: a!sortInfo(field: "id",ascending: true) ) ).data }
Please redo if needed. You can also move the length(local!data) to a local as well.