Hi Everyone,
I want implement a validation on file upload field, whenever user uploads a CSV file system will validate and check whether the CSV file uploaded is in correct format or not ?
if file is not in correct format system will give the error "File is not in correct format"
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Hello sachink2402
What do you mean format? Do you mean the file extension type? If so below the code that would help.
{ a!fileUploadField( label: "File Upload", labelPosition: "ABOVE", target: cons!FOLDER_CONSTANT, saveInto: ri!file, value: ri!file, validations: a!localVariables( local!invalidExtensions: difference(upper(fv!files.extension), "CSV"), if( length(local!invalidExtensions) > 0, "Attachments must be pdf files. Remove: " & index( fv!files, "name", wherecontains( local!invalidExtensions, upper(fv!files.extension) ), {} ), "" ) ) ) }
Validation from documentation. Please refer THIS for more information