Hello community!
I am very confused by this error. I have the below screenshot of an update function that is meant to update a record type called GF Utility where the rule input coming in is of type GF Utility.
I'm pretty sure I have 3 keys and 3 values but whenever a user logs in, the error in the subject pops. I tried testing the rule in the expression and it works just fine. Is there something I'm missing?
I would appreciate all the help I can get on this and also if there is anything that needs clarification, please let me know!
Also, here is the error in screenshot format as well
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I would recommend you to use the parameters of the functions to avoid these kind of errors and also will help you with a better readability
What exactly are you trying to update using the default value? I am not sure I understand the way you configured. Why do you have nested the function multiple times?
I assume that one of the queries returns more than a single item.
Good question, the idea here is to index into the rule input and get the value (which is set as the default), if that returns null, it should go over to the replacement value. The reason why it's nested so much is because I was trying to avoid any null values coming back as much as possible.
you're probably right, I might test each of these out in another interface and see how many values each return, it might be that one of them return 4 and not the 3 that I want
I will ask you to break down your steps. Call these queries first in individual local variables. Check what is the output it is producing and does it match your expected criteria. Then redefine these locals using the default value configurations till the point where you get the end result which you would prefer to use as the values in your update function.
yes, that actually helps break it down. Thanks so much!