I'm creating a line chart where I want to display a sum of transaction amounts per last 6 months.
The expression for the linechart component is the following:
a!lineChartField( data: 'recordType!{2e778cbc-bcd7-48a6-bda3-2f52ac5e15d0}W0592PF Transaction', config: a!lineChartConfig( primaryGrouping: a!grouping( field: 'recordType!{2e778cbc-bcd7-48a6-bda3-2f52ac5e15d0}W0592PF Transaction.fields.{012826cc-c147-43c8-8171-e9c1cc8990bd}date', alias: "date_month_primaryGrouping", interval: "MONTH_SHORT_TEXT" ), measures: { a!measure( function: "SUM", field: 'recordType!{2e778cbc-bcd7-48a6-bda3-2f52ac5e15d0}W0592PF Transaction.fields.{53db9671-69f5-4d88-b573-89f591e99754}amount', alias: "amount_sum_measure1", formatValue: "DOLLAR" ) }, sort: { a!sortInfo( field: "date_month_primaryGrouping", ascending: false ) }, dataLimit: 6, showIntervalsWithNoData: false ), label: "Line Chart", labelPosition: "ABOVE", xAxisTitle: "Month", yAxisTitle: "Amount spent", showLegend: false, showTooltips: true, allowImageDownload: true, colorScheme: "RAINFOREST", height: "MEDIUM", xAxisStyle: "STANDARD", yAxisStyle: "STANDARD", refreshAfter: "RECORD_ACTION" )
What I keep seeing is that if I sort the data on descending (which is what I need since I want to show the LAST 6 months) is that the chart will show the months going from right to left, and I would want them to show from left to right which would be easier for a user to read.
Here's the generated chart:
Sorting in the ascending order changes the orientation but since I'm limiting the data to 6 rows it's not working correctly (it will cut off any months that come after the 6th one).
I'm guessing that there is some way to invert the X axis which would probably be the easiest solution to achieve this but I cannot seem to find how to do that.
Any suggestions?
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I am not sure whether you can fix this with the Record type or not. Other members can help.
However, you can try with a custom query. See the sample code for reference:
a!localVariables( local!data: a!queryRecordType( recordType: 'recordType!{098777fc-c21b-4c7d-8d7a-b07371616f47}YD Course', fields: {}, pagingInfo: a!pagingInfo( startIndex: 1, batchSize: 6, sort: a!sortInfo(field: 'recordType!{098777fc-c21b-4c7d-8d7a-b07371616f47}YD Course.fields.{1e27585b-2faa-44f3-be46-2507e0d2fc88}createdOn', ascending: true), ) ).data, a!lineChartField( categories: text((local!data['recordType!{098777fc-c21b-4c7d-8d7a-b07371616f47}YD Course.fields.{1e27585b-2faa-44f3-be46-2507e0d2fc88}createdOn']), "MMMM"), series: { a!chartSeries(label: "Transactions", data: local!data['recordType!{098777fc-c21b-4c7d-8d7a-b07371616f47}YD Course.fields.{c8b37fe2-de65-4251-98fc-7d21a978c21d}id']) }, label: "Line Chart", labelPosition: "ABOVE", xAxisTitle: "Month", yAxisTitle: "Amount spent", showLegend: false(), showTooltips: true, allowImageDownload: true, colorScheme: "RAINFOREST", height: "MEDIUM", xAxisStyle: "STANDARD", yAxisStyle: "STANDARD", refreshAfter: "RECORD_ACTION" ) )