Expected behaviour: If i selected one row in editable grid then it should deselect all other rows except selected row ,
Actual behaviour: It is deselecting all remaining row whenever Iam selecting any row in editable grid,
a!localVariables( local!selectionIndex:tointeger({}), local!data:{ {id:1,name:"Pavani"}, {id:2,name:"Sravani"}, {id:3,name:"Srani"}, {id:4,name:"Sri"}, }, a!gridLayout( headerCells: { a!gridLayoutHeaderCell( label: "Id" ) }, rows:a!forEach( items: local!data, expression: { a!gridRowLayout( id: fv!index, selectionDisabled: if(a!isNullOrEmpty(local!selectionIndex),{}, if(count(local!selectionIndex)=fv!itemCount,false(),true())), contents:a!integerField( label: "Id", value: fv!item.id, saveInto: fv!item.id ), ), } ), selectable: true(), rowHeader: 1, selectionValue: local!selectionIndex, selectionSaveInto: a!save( local!selectionIndex, save!value ) ) )
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Hi Stefan Helzle ,You previously provided a link about limiting the number of rows in a grid field. However, my requirement is different: I have a large amount of data in an editable grid, but I want the grid to behave so that when one row is selected, all other rows are automatically deselected.
a!localVariables( local!items: { {item: "Item 1", qty: 1, unitPrice: 10}, {item: "Item 2", qty: 2, unitPrice: 20} }, local!selected: tointeger({}), a!gridLayout( label: "Products", instructions: "Selected: " & local!selected, headerCells: { a!gridLayoutHeaderCell(label: "Item"), a!gridLayoutHeaderCell(label: "Qty"), a!gridLayoutHeaderCell(label: "Unit Price"), a!gridLayoutHeaderCell(label: "Total", align: "RIGHT") }, rows: a!forEach( items: local!items, expression: a!gridRowLayout( id: fv!index, contents: { a!textField( value: fv!item.item, saveInto: fv!item.item ), a!integerField( value: fv!item.qty, saveInto: fv!item.qty ), a!floatingPointField( value: fv!item.unitPrice, saveInto: fv!item.unitPrice ), a!textField( value: a!currency( isoCode: "USD", value: tointeger(fv!item.qty) * todecimal(fv!item.unitPrice) ), readOnly: true, align: "RIGHT" ) } ) ), selectable: true, selectionValue: local!selected, /* Flatten the selected values so the result is easier to work with */ /* when the select/deselect all option is used in an editable grid */ selectionSaveInto: { a!save( target: local!selected, value: a!flatten(save!value) ), a!save( target: local!selected, value: index(local!selected, count(local!selected), null) ), }, rowHeader: 1 ) )