Hi, Could you please advise the best way to implement the following functio

Could you please advise the best way to implement the following functionality:
- I have a list of products saved in database table. There are up to 300 items
- I want to design a kind of interactive table in which user will be able to select product and fill in some related data (then click "update" and go to next product, and then to next..., when finished with the products click on "Finish" button which will be the last step of the action)
Due to the fact that there will be up to 300 products available I need to implement an easy way to filter and/or search proper product. Please let me know the possible options that we have in Tempo to achieve this.
Let me mention that presenting the full list (300 items) with no filtering/searchng option is not acceprable neither using pagination.



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  • What I would suggest is a pagingGrid with the ability to select an item - the selected items editable details would be presented below the paging grid, the user can then submit the form to save it. The same form would be presented again with all the filters as they were on the previous task.
    The other option is to use an editable grid if the user needs to go through all 300 items at once. Paging of the editable grid is pretty challenging though.
  • What I would suggest is a pagingGrid with the ability to select an item - the selected items editable details would be presented below the paging grid, the user can then submit the form to save it. The same form would be presented again with all the filters as they were on the previous task.
    The other option is to use an editable grid if the user needs to go through all 300 items at once. Paging of the editable grid is pretty challenging though.
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