How to give CRLF (carriage return line feed) in Appian. Eg:- "ABC"

How to give CRLF (carriage return line feed) in Appian.
Eg:- "ABC" CRLF "EFG" should return

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  • I ran a quick test with using char(10) and char(13) in paragraph fields in both SAIL and forms designer, and can confirm that it works in both those situations. I tried by hardcoding the string, as well as using a rule as a reference, and it worked in every case. The only place it did not work was directly in the expressions editor. Is that where you've tested so far?
  • I ran a quick test with using char(10) and char(13) in paragraph fields in both SAIL and forms designer, and can confirm that it works in both those situations. I tried by hardcoding the string, as well as using a rule as a reference, and it worked in every case. The only place it did not work was directly in the expressions editor. Is that where you've tested so far?
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