Hi ,
I am trying to implement: On Click of Dynamic Link displaying one Grid, But AS per the requirement This needs to be displayed as side By side,
As of Now On click of Link the grid is displaying but How would I make side By side grid, Since grid has box Layout and Grid Field ,Ui is throwing error .
How would I make change in this code -On click of link grid has to be displayed.
a!localVariables( local!priority: false(), { a!linkField( /*label: "Link Field",*/ links: { a!dynamicLink( label: "Audit History", value: local!priority, saveInto: a!save(local!priority, true()) ) } ), a!sectionLayout( contents: { rule!CR_APP_SC_auditDetails( cif_int: ri!cif_int, sectionName_txt: cons!CR_APP_TXT_AUDIT_SECTION_NAMES[1] ) }, showWhen: local!priority ) } )
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Use the showWhen parameter in the section layout.
Hi Stefan , I have used showWhen ,Sorry Let me know if anything I have missed.
a!localVariables( local!priority: false(), { a!linkField( /*label: "Link Field",*/ links: { a!dynamicLink( label: "Audit History", value: local!priority, saveInto: a!save(local!priority, true()) ) } ), a!sideBySideLayout( items: a!sideBySideItem( item: rule!CR_APP_SC_auditDetails( cif_int: ri!cif_int, sectionName_txt: cons!CR_APP_TXT_AUDIT_SECTION_NAMES[1] ) ), showWhen: local!priority ) } )
If I use sideByside Item, getting this error -Could not display interface. Please check definition and inputs. Interface Definition: Expression evaluation error at function a!sideBySideLayout [line 14]: A side by side layout has an invalid item. The item at index 1 contains a component that is not supported in a side by side layout. Received: BoxLayout.
OK. Well ... did you consider to use a columns layout instead of that side-by-side?
yeah But User has to scroll to see the data If I use column Layout.
Some things can not be done in a side-by-side layout. This doesn't have anything in particular to do with whether it's shown via the click of a dynamic link or not.
You can use two columns, keep the showWhen and adjust the width of the column. Maybe it will be helpful.
No User doesn't want that ,
By Any chance can we convert this code to side By Side items?
a!boxLayout( label: cons!CR_APP_LAB_AUDIT_DETAILS[1], isCollapsible: true(), isInitiallyCollapsed: true(), marginBelow: "STANDARD", contents: { a!gridField( spacing: "DENSE", height: "AUTO", shadeAlternateRows: true(), data: local!data, pageSize: 10, initialSorts: a!sortInfo(field: "createdOn_dt", ascending: false()), columns: { a!gridColumn( /*label: cons!CR_APP_LAB_AUDIT_DETAILS[3],*/ value: rule!CR_APP_RT_displayAuditStatusIcon(rowStatus_txt: fv!row.rowStatus_txt), width: "ICON", align: "START" ), a!gridColumn( label: cons!CR_APP_LAB_AUDIT_DETAILS[2], value: rule!CR_APP_DSC_mapAuditSectionNames( sectionName_txt: index(fv!row, "sourceName_txt", tostring(null)) ), width: "AUTO", align: "START" ), a!gridColumn( label: cons!CR_APP_LAB_AUDIT_DETAILS[4], value: rule!CR_FN_nbfDateTimeFormat(input: fv!row.createdOn_dt), width: "AUTO", align: "START" ), a!gridColumn( label: cons!CR_APP_LAB_AUDIT_DETAILS[5], value: rule!APN_FN_getDisplayName( userId: index(fv!row, "createdBy_txt", tostring(null)) ), width: "AUTO", align: "START" ), a!gridColumn( label: cons!CR_APP_LAB_AUDIT_DETAILS[6], value: if( rule!APN_isBlank(fv!row.createdBy_txt), tostring(null), if( isusernametaken(fv!row.createdBy_txt, ), if( user(fv!row.createdBy_txt, "status"), if( not(isnull(fv!row.updatedByRole_txt)), fv!row.updatedByRole_txt, rule!CR_FN_getUserRole(inputUser_txt: fv!row.createdBy_txt) ), tostring(null) & "User deactivated" ), tostring(null) ) ), width: "AUTO", align: "START" ), a!gridColumn( label: cons!CR_APP_LAB_AUDIT_DETAILS[7], value: if( rule!APN_isBlank(fv!row.description_txt), null, a!richTextDisplayField( value: a!richTextBulletedList( items: reject( fn!isnull, split(fv!row.description_txt, char(13)) ) ) ) ), width: "AUTO", align: "START" ) } ) } )
local!data: a!refreshVariable( value:rule!CR_APP_QE_getAppAuditBasedOnFilters( cif_int: ri!cif_int, rowId_int: index( ri!crAPPCollateralSelected_cdt, "id_int", tointeger(null) ), requestId_int: ri!requestId_int, sectionName_txt: ri!sectionName_txt, pagingInfo: a!pagingInfo(1,-1) ).data, refreshAlways: true() )
can we do some how by removing box Layout and grid Field ,using on click of dynamic link it has to show as side by side only?
You can use customize grid.
I think Customized grid is nothing but Grid Field right? IIf So we have already making use of GridField