Rotate an rich text icon in Interface design


I am developing a small application in which employees of a company can book their desks/seats in the office.

I have started designing our office seating arrangement using an interface where I used rich text icon to display the desktop and chair.

As it's normal in any office that the seating can be facing towards any direction. To visualize it, I have to rotate the icon I'm using now.

I googled it out but it's of vain. Appreciate your suggestions.



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    in reply to baipallin0350

    There are two "semi-official" ways, neither of which is very strong. 

    To get it into the public eye, you can create a separate post here on community with a subject starting "Feature Request:" and then a very concise description of the enhancement desired, and in the body of the post, reiterate your use case and desired in-depth functionality (etc). Here other users can "vote" on them (sorta) and comment in agreement or with followup questions, suggestions, workarounds, and (sadly) the inevitable completely off-topic reply here and there.  But that's part of the game.

    To make it "officially" logged with Appian, they have told me you can open a Support Case with Appian directly with the feature request especially if you can speak to your current "business impact", i.e. how it is actively hurting you to *not* have the feature.  I've done this before and included the URL for the communtiy post I had previously written, since it's easier to include formatting and screenshots (etc) in posts here.  This is the closest we get, sadly, to an "official enhancement request tracker" of any sort, despite that there are some of us who've been begging them for such a thing for years now.