Suggestion To show Picker As Multiple Value Selectable

Certified Senior Developer

Hi All,

We have Requirement to show the picker field as Multiple Value selection where the value is storing as”Test1;Test2;1;55”. Please find the below details & suggest any alternatives.

 Requirement: To show the picker field selectable as Multiple value.

Analysis: For the Suspect product column, the values are storing in the table as “Test1; Test2;1;55” which means combination of static and product ids. Since the valued stored as single string in the table while showing in the grid we are retrieving the data by using queryfilter with “Includes” operator in the a!recordData() so the in the picker it is working only for one value & returning the data. And “In” operator is also not working to return the multiple data.

Plan: Creating the trans table and storing all the records of suspect product with one-to-many relationship way.

Issue: As the Existing data having 34000+ records in the Master table and each record may have more than 3 suspect products in such case data in the trans may go to twice the count of 34000+ so the Data Management is the difficult phase. Is there any alternate solution to show the Picker field with Multiply selectable with the column value stored as “Test1; Test2;1;55” without the creation of trans table option.

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