We have a form with multiple collapsible sections, and in some of these we also have subsections. When user clicks on submit, there might be errors in the subsections that are not visible to the user because the parent section does not have the "This section contains errors" warning. I've come to discover that it's because other subsections don't have any errors. Here's an example where this happens:
Here both the parent and child show that there are validation erros.
The moment I add a section without validation errors, the warning disappears on the parent:
I feel like this should not be the standard behavior and is something Appian should fix on their end. The only workaround I can think of is to have validations at section level, on the parent section. But that would display a red message box on the section that for me is not desirable. Any help here is appreciated.
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I expect this is likely a side-effect of the fact that we weren't even able to nest SectionLayouts in other SectionLayouts (at all) until a few versions ago. So I'm not too surprised if this behavior is a little inconsistent or unintuitive. You might try reporting this to Appian via a Support Case and see if they want to recognize it as a bug.
The one thing I'm curious about - I assume in your first example you wouldn't be able to collapse the Parent section (if it were collapsible). But how about in the second example? If the Parent section there allows you to collapse it, that would be more justification for classifying this as a "bug" imho.