Column Chart Configuration in interface

Hi Friends,

I have a requirement for an interface that consists of a column chart and a filter with top 1 and top 2 values.

I am using a record field for grouping, so it is giving 10 columns in the chart. However, when I select top 1 in the filter, I want the graph to display only 1 column. If I select top 2, I want the graph to display only the top 2 columns.

Refer below pics

Normal Pic : 

when I select top1 I want to show only inventory management in entire graph,.

When I select top2 I want to show only inventory management and Quality control columns in chart.

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    Here is the solution for your issue 

          recordType:<your record>,
          fields: a!aggregationFields(
            groupings: {
                field:<record field for grouping>,
                alias: "categoryId_grouping2"
            measures: {
                function: "COUNT",
                field: <Record field for count>,
                alias: "id_count_measure1"
          pagingInfo: a!pagingInfo(
            sort: a!sortInfo(
              field: "id_count_measure1",
              ascending: false()
            startIndex: 1,
            batchSize: 100
          enumerate(ri!ruleIn) + 1
          choiceLabels: {"Top 1","Top 2"},
          choiceValues: {1, 2},
          label: "Select",
          labelPosition: "ABOVE",
          placeholder: "--- Select a Value ---",
          value: ri!ruleIn,
          saveInto: {ri!ruleIn},
          searchDisplay: "AUTO",
          validations: {}
          label: "Column Chart",
          categories: {local!data.categoryId_grouping2},
          series: {a!chartSeries(data:local!data.id_count_measure1)},
          stacking: "NONE",
          showLegend: true,
          showTooltips: true,
          labelPosition: "ABOVE",
          allowImageDownload: true,
          colorScheme: "RAINFOREST",
          height: "MEDIUM",
          xAxisStyle: "STANDARD",
          yAxisStyle: "STANDARD",
          refreshAfter: "RECORD_ACTION"

  • Thank you Komal Jain and Chaitanya ,It is working as expected.

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