Hi, Can I have a button inside of a dropdown?
Thanks in advance
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No, this isn't possible.
Did you want to further explore what you are trying to do or is it enough just knowing if a dropdown can have a separate button like you've modelled?
I do not see why you would need a button inside a dropdown for this. You could add this as the last option, and then make your UI react on this in a way the user can create a new item. Should not be much of a challenge.
I agree with Andrew Hickingbotham that a button inside a dropdown isn't possible, but you could always use the last option to mock this behavior. In my opinion this isn't the best approach, but check the code below for a quick example.
a!localVariables( local!existingProjects: a!forEach( items: enumerate(3)+1, expression: { id: fv!index, projectName: "project " & fv!item, description: repeat(fv!index, "words and ") } ), local!dropdownOptions: append( local!existingProjects.projectName, "Create New" ), local!a: length(local!existingProjects)+1, local!selection, { a!dropdownField( label: "Project: ", choiceValues: local!dropdownOptions, choiceLabels: local!dropdownOptions, value: local!selection, saveInto: { local!selection, a!save( local!existingProjects, if( save!value = "Create New", append( local!existingProjects, { id: length(local!existingProjects)+1, projectName: "project " & length(local!existingProjects)+1 } ), local!existingProjects ) ) }, placeholder: "select project" ), a!gridField( label: "Current Projects", data: local!existingProjects, columns: { a!gridColumn( label: "ID", sortField: "id", value: fv!row.id ), a!gridColumn( label: "Project Name", sortField: "projectName", value: fv!row.projectName ), a!gridColumn( label: "Description", sortField: "description", value: fv!row.description ), } ) } )
You may want to check out Editable Grid Component as an alternate approach. Appian even has a recipe showing how to configure adding new rows/records to the gridLayout.
Hope this helps
I agree .Their is always a way around which we customize in Appian.if you could specify your use case it would help more in better solution.