I have a process model with a user task.
user task has a Rich text editor, where user uploads the images but leaves the form without submission.
Issue is, how to delete the uploaded images/documents based on timer - 1hr.
I have tried exception flow on UIT, but the user enter docs data/Ids are not received into process var.
Is there a way to get the document IDs by using process instance Id?
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hi keerthik0010,you need to have exception flow to your user input taskExceptions:- The exceptions tab lets designers create alternative workflows from an activity based on configured conditions. The exception tab appears on all non-event and non-gateway activities. We can configure the Exceptions based on Timer Event, Rule Event, and Receive Message Event
User input task exception tab:
Click on configure tab : set timer to 60 mins
Thanks Abhishek, I already tried exception flow based on timer. I am not getting the document IDs uploaded in the user task. I have a process var DocIds mapped to rule input DocIds of user task.