Hello All, Does anyone have any experience with the a!pickerFieldCustom com

Certified Associate Developer
Hello All,
Does anyone have any experience with the a!pickerFieldCustom component? I'm using an expression that wraps an a!queryRecord call however using this as the suggestFunction returns all records regardless of input. However testing my query expression directly returns the filtered results as expected.

I'm only encountering this problem when using an expression as the suggestFunction - using a query rule for the suggestFunction works as expected.

Even more perplexing is that when I supply a fixed argument to the suggest function (eg: suggestFunction: rule!myQuery("test") returns no results at all when, again, testing the query function directly returns results as expected.



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  • 0
    Certified Associate Developer
    Hey Rob,
    I'm not using a recipe as a basis for the design since the recipes all use a static array as their data source and I'm trying to hit a database.

    My problem has to do with the returned dataset from the suggestion function as I can successfully use the component using a query rule but not a queryEntity expression despite individual testing on each being successful.
  • 0
    Certified Associate Developer
    Hey Rob,
    I'm not using a recipe as a basis for the design since the recipes all use a static array as their data source and I'm trying to hit a database.

    My problem has to do with the returned dataset from the suggestion function as I can successfully use the component using a query rule but not a queryEntity expression despite individual testing on each being successful.
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