I'm using Download DataSubset plugin and I'm trying to follow the exampl

I'm using Download DataSubset plugin and I'm trying to follow the example from forum.appian.com/.../Download_DataSubset_Plugin.html
I'm using this plugin from Tempo Reports SAIL,
First, I have a Query Rule, getAllEmployees, which returns all Records from Emplyee CDT.
Then, I create an Export Rule (exact the same as the example): exportAllEmployees: =type!ExportableDataSubset(
datasubset: rule!getAllEmployees(topaginginfo(startIndex: 1, batchSize: -1)),
fieldNames: {"NAME"},
fieldLabels: {"NAME"},
filename: "employee"
when I test this rule directly from Rule Designer, it returns a lots of records.

Then I create a link:

local!exportUri: getdatasubsetdownloadlinkfromrule(rule: rule!exportAllEmployees),
links: {
label: "Click Here to Export This Data to Excel",
uri: local!exportUri



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  • Thanks, Tim. I have all those. The link field is inside firstColumnContents, and there is a gridfield after the link. I just posted the essential one to save the space. In fact, the grid is displayed successfully, just the link is not showing up. I don't know what's wrong. I don't have any input for getdatasubsetdownloadlinkfromrule, will this cause problem. Also it seems getdatasubsetdownloadlinkfromrule generate an Excel file as an Appian document, does anyone know which Appian KC or Folder will this document get stored? Maybe the access issue to this Appian KC/Folder?



  • Thanks, Tim. I have all those. The link field is inside firstColumnContents, and there is a gridfield after the link. I just posted the essential one to save the space. In fact, the grid is displayed successfully, just the link is not showing up. I don't know what's wrong. I don't have any input for getdatasubsetdownloadlinkfromrule, will this cause problem. Also it seems getdatasubsetdownloadlinkfromrule generate an Excel file as an Appian document, does anyone know which Appian KC or Folder will this document get stored? Maybe the access issue to this Appian KC/Folder?



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