I'm using Download DataSubset plugin and I'm trying to follow the exampl

I'm using Download DataSubset plugin and I'm trying to follow the example from forum.appian.com/.../Download_DataSubset_Plugin.html
I'm using this plugin from Tempo Reports SAIL,
First, I have a Query Rule, getAllEmployees, which returns all Records from Emplyee CDT.
Then, I create an Export Rule (exact the same as the example): exportAllEmployees: =type!ExportableDataSubset(
datasubset: rule!getAllEmployees(topaginginfo(startIndex: 1, batchSize: -1)),
fieldNames: {"NAME"},
fieldLabels: {"NAME"},
filename: "employee"
when I test this rule directly from Rule Designer, it returns a lots of records.

Then I create a link:

local!exportUri: getdatasubsetdownloadlinkfromrule(rule: rule!exportAllEmployees),
links: {
label: "Click Here to Export This Data to Excel",
uri: local!exportUri



  Discussion posts and replies are publicly visible

  • Guozhang,

    The plugin is supported on Appian 7.5. I retested your specific scenario and I was unable to reproduce your error. Have you updated your logging settings? The documentation states:
    -Data export error details are logged at the ERROR level
    -Link generation expression errors are logged at the WARN level
    -Data export performance statistics are logged and the DEBUG level

    I attached all the files I tested with:
    -rule that generates the ExportableDataSubset (the query rule used just returns all employees)
    -SAIL interface that generates the link
    -screenshot of the CDT
    -screenshot of the corresponding database table



  • Guozhang,

    The plugin is supported on Appian 7.5. I retested your specific scenario and I was unable to reproduce your error. Have you updated your logging settings? The documentation states:
    -Data export error details are logged at the ERROR level
    -Link generation expression errors are logged at the WARN level
    -Data export performance statistics are logged and the DEBUG level

    I attached all the files I tested with:
    -rule that generates the ExportableDataSubset (the query rule used just returns all employees)
    -SAIL interface that generates the link
    -screenshot of the CDT
    -screenshot of the corresponding database table



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