I am looking for an example of a Query Database Integration Service that shows d

I am looking for an example of a Query Database Integration Service that shows dynamic SQL. Any sugges



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  • You can use the Execute Stored Procedure node - Data Source Name is in text format, as ="java:comp/env/jdbc/datasource_name_here", Procedure Name is the plain text name of the procedure, ="ProcedureName". From there, create Inputs for each of your parameters including the output paramater - and map them however you would like. Note, node input names must match the parameter names exactly. Let me know if tha thelps.
  • You can use the Execute Stored Procedure node - Data Source Name is in text format, as ="java:comp/env/jdbc/datasource_name_here", Procedure Name is the plain text name of the procedure, ="ProcedureName". From there, create Inputs for each of your parameters including the output paramater - and map them however you would like. Note, node input names must match the parameter names exactly. Let me know if tha thelps.
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