I am using below code for a checkbox a!checkboxField( label:

I am using below code for a checkbox
label: rule!medMgmt_Translate(local!bundle,"Contacts_informed_of_Case_Closure"),
labelPosition: local!labelPos,/*"Contacts informed of Case Closure",*/
instructions: "All appropriate contacs have been infomred of case closure and advised to contact Claims Adjuster with any further questions.",
choiceLabels: {""},
choiceValues: {true},
value: ri!cdtFinalActionPlan.boolContactInformed,
saveInto: ri!cdtFinalActionPlan.boolContactInformed

Getting following error when false value comes from DB

Expression evaluation error in rule 'inf_medmgmt_finalactionplan' at function a!checkboxField [line 160]: A checkbox component [label=“Contacts informed of Case Closure”] has an invalid value for “value”. All selected values must be present in the choiceValues array, but value was false and choiceValues was true.

What changes should I do in C...



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