Calling Process Flow on click of Button or link: Is it possible to call a proces

Calling Process Flow on click of Button or link: Is it possible to call a process flow and pass values from an UI using button or link? I am working on building a grid for a Service Backed record where I want to initiate a related action based on selected grid row. I need to pass selected rows to the process flow for further processing. Any thoughts?



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  • Not sure I understand... Suggest checking out the design techniques employed in the Appian Case Management Framework in Shared Components..

    A 10 step form in SAIL is fine.. You would use re-usable form elements to comprise that SAIL form flow..

    I would only recommend Activity Chaining if you need to have a form flow that must transact across an automated process step.. for example. You capture some information, then chain over an automated transaction in process, then continue the form flow..
  • Not sure I understand... Suggest checking out the design techniques employed in the Appian Case Management Framework in Shared Components..

    A 10 step form in SAIL is fine.. You would use re-usable form elements to comprise that SAIL form flow..

    I would only recommend Activity Chaining if you need to have a form flow that must transact across an automated process step.. for example. You capture some information, then chain over an automated transaction in process, then continue the form flow..
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