Hi I have a requirement where users want to enter an email address fo


I have a requirement where users want to enter an email address for a document to be emailed to. They also want to have a second entry to confirm that the email address typed matches that in the first email address box.

Is there a way of preventing pasted values from being entered into a text box ?

As an aside, does anyone know if there is a way to validate if an email address exists ? Reason for asking is that we are getting a lot of miskeyed / incorrect email addresses being used resulting in failed delivery messages.

Many thanks




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  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    Hi Paul,
    I have previously shared an Appian expression rule that can be used to validate that a particular string is a proper e-mail address strictly in terms of formatting (thanks Marco for linking my old thread). I can provide clarification on the use of this rule if needed.

    After that, there's no way (within appian or any other email system I'm aware of) to validate that an address actually exists other than attempting to send it. This is more of a technical limitation of e-mail, than any sort of limitation of Appian.
  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    Hi Paul,
    I have previously shared an Appian expression rule that can be used to validate that a particular string is a proper e-mail address strictly in terms of formatting (thanks Marco for linking my old thread). I can provide clarification on the use of this rule if needed.

    After that, there's no way (within appian or any other email system I'm aware of) to validate that an address actually exists other than attempting to send it. This is more of a technical limitation of e-mail, than any sort of limitation of Appian.
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