Hi Team, I am facing an issue while using radio buttons in editable gridLay

Hi Team,
I am facing an issue while using radio buttons in editable gridLayout. Radio button selections are not getting refreshed, we have tried attached code snippet. As per my observation, when I try to display the local!itemsToken array in From Layout/Grid Layout's Label then the radio button selections work fine else it is not updating the selections.

Could you please advise? Any help is appreciated!




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  • I think using the itemsToken array does not work that way. What do you intent to do? Using radiobuttons to allow the user to select a single item only? For that you would need a separate boolen array. I have no working code, but this could be a start

    label: "select " & ri!index,
    choiceLabels: {""},
    choiceValues: {true()},
    value: index(ri!selectedBooleanArray, ri!index, false),
    saveInto: {
    a!save(ri!selectedBooleanArray, updatearray({}, ri!index, true)),
  • I think using the itemsToken array does not work that way. What do you intent to do? Using radiobuttons to allow the user to select a single item only? For that you would need a separate boolen array. I have no working code, but this could be a start

    label: "select " & ri!index,
    choiceLabels: {""},
    choiceValues: {true()},
    value: index(ri!selectedBooleanArray, ri!index, false),
    saveInto: {
    a!save(ri!selectedBooleanArray, updatearray({}, ri!index, true)),
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