Process validation on a row/field without user interaction

In an editable grid, is there a way to process the validation on a row/field without user interaction. We have a grid that has a prior price, the user enters the current price and one of the fields does a calculation to display the variance of the 2 fields. If the variance is greater than a high limit or lower than a low limit a validation alert is displayed. But, we also give the users the opportunity to import an excel spreadsheet with the current prices and calculate the variance, but the validation alert is not displayed.

Is there a way to display the validation alert without user intervention?



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  • Leslie,
    To answer your question, I am not aware of a way to fire a validation with out some sort of action. However, I think you have some options to look at to accomplish what your looking for.

    One option would be to have a validation check on your current price field. Include the variance calculation and logic to check if it is to high or low there. This is what the SAIL Recipe that Sonal shared is doing. This is probably the cleanest option for the end user.

    Another option you could consider is to have form level validation instead of field level. So when you add the current price, you calculate the difference as planned. Then when you try and submit, it could have validation on the derived field.

    Another option I can think of is to have another column in the grid that indicates the status and have it calculated at the same time you do the variance column. This approach will not prevent the user from submitting the form though. This is the approach Shyam is getting at.
  • Leslie,
    To answer your question, I am not aware of a way to fire a validation with out some sort of action. However, I think you have some options to look at to accomplish what your looking for.

    One option would be to have a validation check on your current price field. Include the variance calculation and logic to check if it is to high or low there. This is what the SAIL Recipe that Sonal shared is doing. This is probably the cleanest option for the end user.

    Another option you could consider is to have form level validation instead of field level. So when you add the current price, you calculate the difference as planned. Then when you try and submit, it could have validation on the derived field.

    Another option I can think of is to have another column in the grid that indicates the status and have it calculated at the same time you do the variance column. This approach will not prevent the user from submitting the form though. This is the approach Shyam is getting at.
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