I have a question on how the local variables in a load expression behave when th

I have a question on how the local variables in a load expression behave when the expression is invoked from SAIL (which are at times TEMPO SAIL Dashboards).It took long time for analysis as the issue was causing several production issues. Let me try to explain the issue with some a SIMPLE SAIL and Expression Rules. Attached is a simple SAIL which has a one section layout. When you enter input "IndSection1" text box and change the date value in "End Date Field", "Tst_LoadIssueExpr" (code snippet is below) is invoked and result is shown in "ResultSet" text box.
When you change the flip the value in "IndSection1" between blanks and non-blanks, as expected the Boolean result displayed in "ResultSet" text box is not changing. But if you modify the below "Tst_LoadIssueExpr" ri!input directly rather than saving to a local variable ,the result shown is as expected.
Can anyone explain what is causing this weird behavior. In actual production code ,this is a n...




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  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    Defining complex reports is always challenging, if you can provide more details I'm sure you'll get plenty of advice. It sounds like you're showing multiple girds on your report and using some sort of button/link/dropdown to hide and show certain grids? Keeping control of your pagingInfo parameter is tricky in these scenarios as you can end up with various errors such as the startIndex being greater than the total count. You can use just one pagingInfo parameter of define one for each grid, the key aspect is resetting the pagingInfo everytime you navigate to a different display. If you are using one of button/link/dropdown to control which item to display you should reset the pagingInfo as the 1st save statement e.g.
    saveInto: { a!save(local!pagingInfo, topaginginfo(1,10)), <your dynamic control variable>, .....}
  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    Defining complex reports is always challenging, if you can provide more details I'm sure you'll get plenty of advice. It sounds like you're showing multiple girds on your report and using some sort of button/link/dropdown to hide and show certain grids? Keeping control of your pagingInfo parameter is tricky in these scenarios as you can end up with various errors such as the startIndex being greater than the total count. You can use just one pagingInfo parameter of define one for each grid, the key aspect is resetting the pagingInfo everytime you navigate to a different display. If you are using one of button/link/dropdown to control which item to display you should reset the pagingInfo as the 1st save statement e.g.
    saveInto: { a!save(local!pagingInfo, topaginginfo(1,10)), <your dynamic control variable>, .....}
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