I have a question related to selectable grids ;I created a standalone SAIL Grid.

I have a question related to selectable grids ;I created a standalone SAIL Grid. All I am doing is displaying the gird and when user selects any row ,I save the "identifier" value to the input of this SAIL(the input is defined as anytype).I tested the stand alone SAIL component and identifier of the selected rows were getting saved to rule input parameter. All is fine ,but when I invoke this SAIL from another Parent SAIL Form and try to select the rows ,it breaks."Interface Definition: Expression evaluation error at function a!formLayout [line 19]". In parent SAIL also I have defined rule inputs and I am passing this to the child SAIL Grid. Now instead of using rule input parameter of parent SAIL ,if I pass a local variable as the input to child SAIL Grid ,it works fine. Can anybody help in understanding this behavior



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