I have a very long dropdown - nearly 400 items. Yes not a nice design but unfort

I have a very long dropdown - nearly 400 items. Yes not a nice design but unfortunately I am tied to this constraint and cannot change it. At the moment I have a nested rule which is deciding which constant to look up out of possible 18. I have transferred the data to a database and then changed the rule to call a query rule based on variable. However the performance is noticeable different the same rule is taking 3-4 seconds to return the result for the largest dataset. I have also tried to do the same based on a integer but the performance is the same. Is there anything anyone can recommend to get this working pulling from the db rather than constants quicker? I want it in the DB so it can be regularly updated and is scalable where the current every time we want to add a new ‘type’ we need to add a new set of constants....



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  • Are you querying a single entity (table) or a view? What type of filters do you allow for the query rule and are there indexes on those columns where possible?
    Have you also tried using the Query RDBMS node and seen if performance is different?
    I would also take a look at the DB perf logs to see what in the query execution is taking the longest.
  • Are you querying a single entity (table) or a view? What type of filters do you allow for the query rule and are there indexes on those columns where possible?
    Have you also tried using the Query RDBMS node and seen if performance is different?
    I would also take a look at the DB perf logs to see what in the query execution is taking the longest.
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