Fetching datasubset from view based on filters

General Interest: Hi i am fetching datasubset from a view on the basis of specific filters and showing in a read only grid(but in this grid i can select rows). My view does not have a unique field and batch size of my grid is 10. When i am selecting a row on grid page 1, all the rows which corresponds to page1 row are getting selected in rest of my grid pages. If i do not have a unique field to identify then how to solve this issue. I want each row of grid to be selected uniquely. Please provide your inputs on this.



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  • You'll have to add a field to the CDT to contain the generated IDs, then either use a plugin like updatecdt to add the values to that CDT element, or an apply of your type across your data, adding in the identifier with each iteration.

    It's much easier to have the database generate those IDs as we've previously mentioned, and then map them to a column in the CDT.
  • You'll have to add a field to the CDT to contain the generated IDs, then either use a plugin like updatecdt to add the values to that CDT element, or an apply of your type across your data, adding in the identifier with each iteration.

    It's much easier to have the database generate those IDs as we've previously mentioned, and then map them to a column in the CDT.
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