Multiple documentDownloadLink in one grid cell?

Is it possible to show multiple documentDownloadLink in one grid cell?



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  • @shaoyongw If we keep the possibility aside, the gridField component is intended to display 1 record per 1 row and 1 value per 1 cell. Even though if you want to display multiple values in a single cell, you should be concatenating the values by using some separator. Also the links array corresponds to the each element in the data provided to a column, in this case, having a single value per cell(even if it's multiple, we should be concatenating it finally) and trying to create multiple links per each cell might not be logically correct and is also not possible as per the current architecture.
  • @shaoyongw If we keep the possibility aside, the gridField component is intended to display 1 record per 1 row and 1 value per 1 cell. Even though if you want to display multiple values in a single cell, you should be concatenating the values by using some separator. Also the links array corresponds to the each element in the data provided to a column, in this case, having a single value per cell(even if it's multiple, we should be concatenating it finally) and trying to create multiple links per each cell might not be logically correct and is also not possible as per the current architecture.
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