Question on having multiple document links in a single cell

Certified Senior Developer

I have a grid which have multiple columns and one of the column is called Document Links. This column will have link to sharepoint documents. I am using safeLink to make the document link clickable. The challenge is this column may have multiple document links in a SINGLE CELL in the grid. I am looking for pointers to make all the document links in the cell clickable so users can click on each of the link in grid cell.
Please suggest. Thanks.



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  • @ambrishs Hi, as you haven't described the type of grid(paging or editable), I would like to comment on both. If you are working on the editable grid SAIL component, then that's very much possible using the 'Link' or 'Rich Text' component inside the a!gridRowLayout().

    If you are working with the paging grid SAIL component, to the best of my knowledge it's not possible(for instance, you could see the discussion at Let's see if any other practitioners could suggest a procedure where surfacing the multiple links is possible, but AFAIK this is not possible. As a work around what you could think of doing is, you can try to surface a link for each row in the main grid in a new column(which is intended for document links), and let's call it as Show/ Hide documents. When the link is clicked, rename the link to 'Hide documents' and surface a new section (Probably a Link component or a Grid component surfacing a set of documents) which displays a set of documents for the corresponding row. And hide the documents section when the link is clicked again, and rename the link to 'Show documents'.

    Hope the above information will be of some use to you.
  • @ambrishs Hi, as you haven't described the type of grid(paging or editable), I would like to comment on both. If you are working on the editable grid SAIL component, then that's very much possible using the 'Link' or 'Rich Text' component inside the a!gridRowLayout().

    If you are working with the paging grid SAIL component, to the best of my knowledge it's not possible(for instance, you could see the discussion at Let's see if any other practitioners could suggest a procedure where surfacing the multiple links is possible, but AFAIK this is not possible. As a work around what you could think of doing is, you can try to surface a link for each row in the main grid in a new column(which is intended for document links), and let's call it as Show/ Hide documents. When the link is clicked, rename the link to 'Hide documents' and surface a new section (Probably a Link component or a Grid component surfacing a set of documents) which displays a set of documents for the corresponding row. And hide the documents section when the link is clicked again, and rename the link to 'Show documents'.

    Hope the above information will be of some use to you.
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