Question regarding forms and field validation

Certified Senior Developer

need a quick solution on one of the problem statement in Quantum
Form -> fields validation to be done from the pre-configured table validation queries
- lets assume a form has 5 fields
- 5 fields has 5 different validations
- validations are stored in the database in the form of 5 distinct queries
1. Form Name
2. Field Name
3. Validation ( queries, which is stored in validation table against each field in the below form:
ex : to validate age field the query in the db : select age from table1 where formName = "form1"
and age > 40)
(there will be 5 different, queries like this for each form elements)


Is there a ready made solution in Apian for ...



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  • 0
    Certified Senior Developer
    Thanks all for the valuable responses, just to give a background this is an existing solution developed in Sybase/Java. So chances of looking for a pros/cons in almost nil. Need a Appian solution, which can build in a validation module as per the initial requirement. I am fairly new to Appian, I was initially thinking on the direction of Narasimha, also I liked the option suggested by Sonal.
    I would appreciate if you guys can provide some code snippets with your implementation thought.
  • 0
    Certified Senior Developer
    Thanks all for the valuable responses, just to give a background this is an existing solution developed in Sybase/Java. So chances of looking for a pros/cons in almost nil. Need a Appian solution, which can build in a validation module as per the initial requirement. I am fairly new to Appian, I was initially thinking on the direction of Narasimha, also I liked the option suggested by Sonal.
    I would appreciate if you guys can provide some code snippets with your implementation thought.
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