Hi ,In Appian 7.11 version ...We are using gridLayout() to show data in grid. We want one a!richTextDisplayField () column is configured as SubmitLink(). Where we need to show save two values like one primary key and one is submit value.Behaviour of this link changing always sometimes we can save both values , sometimes we can save only submit button value not primary key. Any pointer regarding this will be helpful. Refer sample code below : a!richTextDisplayField( label: " Number" & ri!index, value: a!richTextItem( text: ri!items[ri!index].number, style: if( ri!items[ri!index].number = ri!txtSearchedNumber, "STRONG", "NORMAL" ), link: a!submitLink( label: ri!items[ri!index].number, value: ri!items[ri!index].number, saveInto: { a!save( ri!inumerToSearch, ri!items[ri!index].number ), a!sa...
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