Ability to update a file version from User Interface?

Hi all,
is there a way from User Interface to update the version (providing new one) of a file from a Sail component?
because using a!fileUploadField a new file being created in Knowledge Center, while i need to store it as new version of the selected file



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  • @francescop I think it's possible to do it by building the URL based on the version of a document.

    Attached a code snippet (an interface) which you can test by providing a document id at line #4. I have added an additional column which will help you in identifying the URL pattern of a document when associated with a version. Just to let you know, this approach only allows you to download a specific version of a document but you won't be able to access the actual document object.

    I would leave it to other practitioners to judge its validity but that's how we did some time ago.
  • @francescop I think it's possible to do it by building the URL based on the version of a document.

    Attached a code snippet (an interface) which you can test by providing a document id at line #4. I have added an additional column which will help you in identifying the URL pattern of a document when associated with a version. Just to let you know, this approach only allows you to download a specific version of a document but you won't be able to access the actual document object.

    I would leave it to other practitioners to judge its validity but that's how we did some time ago.
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