Trouble saving values to a CDT in my form

Hi All, I seem to be having trouble saving form values to a CDT in my form. If I save the values to any other field type, e.g. Text or Boolean etc, the data is submitted correctly. However when I save the form data to a CDT, it is either not saving correctly or I am not retrieving it correctly as the pv! values are blank. To test my work, I am trying to email the output to myself on Submit. When I test the form in the design window, I can see the values being added to the CDT, so I assume I am doing this part correctly. The code for my form is:

label: "Delete Existing Computer Access",
firstColumnContents: {
label: "",
labelPosition: "ABOVE",
instructions: "It is requested the following account be removed from the university email system, as they are no longer employed by the University of South Australia:",
saveInto: {},
refreshAfter: "UNFOCUS",
readonly: true,
validations: {}...



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  • ... a!buttonWidgetSubmit(
    label: "Submit",
    style: "PRIMARY"

    In my email, I am trying to put the CDT values in to the body of the email using:

    ="Request Data: " & pv! & ", Applicant: " & pv!decaRequest.applicant

    I also tried unsuccessfully outputting the values as:

    ="Request Data: " & pv!decaRequest

    Any thoughts on what I might have done wrong?
  • ... a!buttonWidgetSubmit(
    label: "Submit",
    style: "PRIMARY"

    In my email, I am trying to put the CDT values in to the body of the email using:

    ="Request Data: " & pv! & ", Applicant: " & pv!decaRequest.applicant

    I also tried unsuccessfully outputting the values as:

    ="Request Data: " & pv!decaRequest

    Any thoughts on what I might have done wrong?
No Data