How to get the taskId of task being assigned

Certified Senior Developer

If we plan to send a customized email notification for users for task assignment, how do we send the link for the task?? point here, is there a way where i can get the taskId of the task being assigned (other than creating the report and getting the task id from there) and send it as a link in the customized email. We have a parallel task for emai lnotification and UI task.



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  • 0
    Certified Associate Developer

    There is a function like gettaskidforactiveprocess something this ...using this function if u pass process I'd of any process it will return active taskid associated with particular process... in the process you get data using script task and set a email node to send a task link

    This is a way we can neglect task report
  • 0
    Certified Associate Developer

    There is a function like gettaskidforactiveprocess something this ...using this function if u pass process I'd of any process it will return active taskid associated with particular process... in the process you get data using script task and set a email node to send a task link

    This is a way we can neglect task report
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