Is it possible for Email notification to be switched off for a particular User I

Is it possible for Email notification to be switched off for a particular User Input Task in the process model?
I understand that we can turn it off globally or to get individual users to tailor their preference. But this use-case is for the process designer to choose a particular User Input Task and switch its email notification off because the users do not want the OOB email notification, and they don't want the task to be changed to QuickTask, and they just want the email notificaton of this task (but not all the tasks) to be controlled by the process model itself over the email format and timing of delivery....



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  • You cannot disable the e-mail notifications on a task basis. One approach you could follow is:

    1. Turn off the notifications globally and always add a "Send E-mail" activity to notify the availability of a new task at the same level as the "User Input Task" in your model..
    2. Turn off the notifications for a specific set of users in a group. Make any model that is used by that group to use the "Send E-mail' to notify instead. To achieve this behavior you can use the "Portal Utilities" plug-in available for download here in Forum. It contains a smart service called "Edit Alert Settings" which allows to disable/enable e-mail/portal alerts for a specific set of users. There's also a sample application as an attachment in that same thread.

    1. Deploy the attached JAR under <APPIAN_HOME>\\plugins
    2. Import the sample application
    4. Run a new instance of the model called "Edit Alert Settings" under "Process Models" - "Edit Alert Settings". with the following settings:

    Group: The group you want to disable the e-mails for
    Enable/Disable: DISABLE
    Media: E-mail
    Alert Type: "A new task is assigned to me"

    5. Repeat this for all groups you need to disable the e-mail for.
    6. Now run the one for the new task assigned to me and others:

    Group: The group you want to disable the e-mails for
    Enable/Disable: DISABLE
    Media: E-mail
    Alert Type: "A new task is assigned to me and others"

    7. Repeat this for all groups you need to disable the e-mail for.

  • You cannot disable the e-mail notifications on a task basis. One approach you could follow is:

    1. Turn off the notifications globally and always add a "Send E-mail" activity to notify the availability of a new task at the same level as the "User Input Task" in your model..
    2. Turn off the notifications for a specific set of users in a group. Make any model that is used by that group to use the "Send E-mail' to notify instead. To achieve this behavior you can use the "Portal Utilities" plug-in available for download here in Forum. It contains a smart service called "Edit Alert Settings" which allows to disable/enable e-mail/portal alerts for a specific set of users. There's also a sample application as an attachment in that same thread.

    1. Deploy the attached JAR under <APPIAN_HOME>\\plugins
    2. Import the sample application
    4. Run a new instance of the model called "Edit Alert Settings" under "Process Models" - "Edit Alert Settings". with the following settings:

    Group: The group you want to disable the e-mails for
    Enable/Disable: DISABLE
    Media: E-mail
    Alert Type: "A new task is assigned to me"

    5. Repeat this for all groups you need to disable the e-mail for.
    6. Now run the one for the new task assigned to me and others:

    Group: The group you want to disable the e-mails for
    Enable/Disable: DISABLE
    Media: E-mail
    Alert Type: "A new task is assigned to me and others"

    7. Repeat this for all groups you need to disable the e-mail for.

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