Is it possible for Email notification to be switched off for a particular User I

Is it possible for Email notification to be switched off for a particular User Input Task in the process model?
I understand that we can turn it off globally or to get individual users to tailor their preference. But this use-case is for the process designer to choose a particular User Input Task and switch its email notification off because the users do not want the OOB email notification, and they don't want the task to be changed to QuickTask, and they just want the email notificaton of this task (but not all the tasks) to be controlled by the process model itself over the email format and timing of delivery....



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  • Yes you can use the same plug-in and model to do this for a specific user. Simply modify the model to receive a user rather than a group and the Edit Alert Settings node to use that new process variable instead of the group; this is possible because actually the smart service receives a list of users as its input but I built the model to use a group for convenience just as a wrapper for multiple users.
  • Yes you can use the same plug-in and model to do this for a specific user. Simply modify the model to receive a user rather than a group and the Edit Alert Settings node to use that new process variable instead of the group; this is possible because actually the smart service receives a list of users as its input but I built the model to use a group for convenience just as a wrapper for multiple users.
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